Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Day 13: A Building

Day 13: Your FAvorite Building

As the artist behind the camera, and every English teachers worst nightmare doing the blogging, I feel a need to take a few liberties with the assignment.  Today i did that and removed some annoying letters and made "Your Favorite Building" into "A Building",  I could have taken it further and made it "A window in a Building" but that would just be manipulating the assignment too much to fit my subject.

Living in the architectural wonderland of Seminole i had such a plethora (Who ever said you couldn't learn anything from "The Three Amigos" movie) of amazing buildings to take a photo of, that I just couldn't decide which one would get the honor of becoming the star of my blog today.  If i were somewhere else say College Station I would most likely venture to the Dixie Chicken and take a few shots there. (Pictures come on guys, everyone knows you have to go to the Dry Bean Saloon for a shot.)  If I were in New York I would try to find a place to capture the Art Deco beauty of the Chrysler Building, but I am not so you gets what ya's gets.  My favorite all time building is any building where my girls are. (WOW that is sappy enough to make a years worth of syrup from, but true.)

I snapped this one on Thanksgiving day while I was out taking a few others and enjoying the outside and stretching out the gut so I could go back for round two on the turkey later.  This is just a window in an old adobe house on the farm in Hobbs, I liked the weathered look of it and I enhanced it in Lightroom for a more rugged look.

Come back for Day 14: Looking Down From Something

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