Sunday, December 18, 2011

Day 16: Some Letters (Not Mail)

I have had several people ask me if i was finished with my Photography Challenge and posting new pics.  First off i am deeply humbled that people have followed my blog and have enjoyed it enough to take the time to ask me about it.  Next I am not done and even when the 30 Day list i am doing now is completed I have another way I am going to use to keep my creativity, photography and blogging going.  I am not going to give you a bunch of excuses why I haven't posted in a bit but I am sure if you can use your imagination or just your lives at this time of year and you can kinda figure out what has thrown a wrench in the mechanism.  I thoroughly enjoy this and will keep it going as long as I am having fun.

Back to the ranch, the next challenge facing my lens is Letters (not Mail).  This was a case of not seeing the forest for the trees, there are plenty of chances to photograph letters but for the life of me I had a hard time finding a subject that struck my artistic bulls-eye, being  relatively immature in my artistic endeavors  my bulls-eye is still rather large and undefined.  (My artistry is not the only immature thing about me just ask Wende how I love a good improper joke.)

I was feeling guilty that I haven't updated the blog in a timely manner so today I made myself go find some letters to capture.  As i was getting my camera together to go grab my shots it came to me that I own a few letters, well at least a few of the lettered series of John Deere Tractors.  My little collection of antique Deere's started with the G that belonged to Wende's granddad Edo.  I brought this tractor home from the Hobbs farm and did a little work to it to make it a decent lugger for antique tractor pulling.  One thing I haven't done to it is any body work or paint. (Just not my thing, to meticulous and clean I like getting greasy working on a tractor)

So here it is a photo of one of my letters, Edo's G.

Oh I almost forgot!  I used my 50mm/1.8 on this because i wanted a very shallow depth of field so that just part of the screen printed G was in focus. 

Come back next time for:  Day 17 A Clock

Monday, December 5, 2011

Day 15: Water

Day 15: Water

Baby it's cold outside, Let it Snow, Joy to the World, Winter Wonderland, pick you favorite but all of those and many others explain the beautiful wintery day we had today.  Out here in the desert wonderland we call home we get so excited on the rare occasions we get snow, kinda like a cop at a doughnut convention, but if we had it every day like our wind we would hate it as well i bet.

What better thing to do than to go outside and start taking pictures of the snow and beautiful winterscapes.  Well how about staying inside where it is warm like a sane person.  I admit I was too cold to get out and shoot much today, but when I got home and Zoee was outside playing in the snow I figured I had procrastinated long enough and it was time to find something to shoot.

Today's challenge was water. It is so amazing that something as simple 2 Hydrogen and 1 Oxygen atoms bound with a Polar Covalent bond (Thank You Wikipedia I could not remember the bond I didn't have a very good chem teacher in High School and avoided Chemistry like the Plague at A&M it is a washout course) is the most essential molecule for life and makes our planet so special.   And today we were blessed with a blanket of water in its solid phase in the form of snow.  Some of this snow went through multiple phase changes and melted and re solidified while dripping off the roof and created the icicles that were the subject of my camera today.

So here are the icicle lights that we have on the house today.
Up next Day 16: Some Letters (Not Mail)

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Day 14: Looking Down from Something

Day 14: Looking Down from Something

I am not a fan of heights so it should be at least a little bit understandable why i am a little slow getting this post up, plus it has been cold and wet so that hasn't made me any more excited about climbing something tall.  But the real reason is my muse must be on break or something, I just could not get the creativity flowing for this one.  I could not think of anywhere I could go to shoot anything interesting from above.

Today the weather was beautiful, I finished my book (I highly recommend 11/22/63 by Stephen King it is a lengthy tome but he keeps you into it and keeps you guessing) so I grabbed the camera put on the 10.5 mm 2.8 fish-eye and headed outside to see what i could come up with.  The fish-eye always seems to help me find my groove.  (Wende is not a fan of the fish-eye, but that is not the reason i like it.)

While shooting Smokey I realized I really didn't have to be extremely high to shoot something from above, and the fish-eye exaggerates the height even more.  I climbed up on Zoee's play-set, gazed through the view finder to see what i could find, not much ugh what now.

Yep you got it time to call for my underpaid model.  Zoee come out and swing for a little while you have seen Ratatouille like a hundred times it is too pretty to be inside. (And I need you so I can get this days photograph done.)  Keep swinging Zoee as I move from perch to perch shooting away.  (It was a challenge balancing on those plastic climbing rock holds and holding a camera)  I didn't fall and I got some decent shots.

I came in and was ready to edit them, but I didn't bring my computer home from the office and my laptop at home is just enough to surf. Zoee's computer has the brains and speed to do it but it is kinda fruity and iPhoto just doesn't do what I had in mind.  Ugh what to do,  well I broke down and downloaded a trial of Lightroom for mac so I could do a little work when I didn't bring a real computer home. (Don't get mad Apple folk I love my iPhone but just cannot seem to get used to a Mac I love My PC and Windows.)

Well enough blabbery here is Zoee just a swingin'.
Next up Day 15: Water